Saturday, December 8, 2007

December 8th 1980

On December 8Th 1980 I was in Winnipeg with my family, there was a football game on TV, I was sitting in a room with both my parents. The game was interrupted .. a Breaking News Story in the days before 24 hour news networks . ..this was a very rare event normally reserved for only the most serious bad news ..and we braced ourselves. Howard Cosell announced it.

John Lennon has been assassinated, shot down outside his home. They didn't use the term murder, the news was given the gravity of the death of a president. For many people John Lennon was very much a cultural leader and political leader although he had no office and had to fight to stay in the United States. I was very young but I will never forget the announcement, the gravity in the delivery of the news and the loss. That was my first Sept 11th. The world lost someone who was reasonable light in a dark and insane landscape.

We need his voice today as much as we needed it then. The fact that his voice was taken violently underscores our need for peace. You might not remember or realize this but the image you see above was part of a nation-wide advertisement campaign for peace that John Lennon and Yoko Ono not only organized but that they also paid for.

Please go to and support Yoko and the memory of John Lennon.


Michael Kerr
Annoying Peace Activist

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Welcome back Yoko Ono

Very cool news!! Yoko is back !! Not that she was ever gone.

I LOVED hearing this! Please go right now and see

Remember how brave Yoko Ono is being to do this. She doesn't have to go to the trouble. Please show your support!

She also started a group on Facebook tonight called War is Over. Please check it out and JOIN!

Michael Kerr

Monday, December 3, 2007

Two New Improvements

The first is a world peace related news page on I've added the page and the news stories are posted. If you have any for inclusion or you see anything there that you think shouldn't be please let me know.

Also I will sadly be saying goodbye to blogger ...I'll be moving the namesforpeace blog or at least mirroring it on our own servers in the format of my other sites.

Peace be with you,

Michael Kerr

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Peace needs no Justification

Here is a quote that Jennifer Boivin posted on the Facebook Names for Peace Group.

I really enjoyed seeing this. I wish we could find out who said it.

"I'm ineffably tired of pro-war ideologues moaning about how the anti-war folk are just 'complaining' without 'offering solutions' to global dilemmas. Peace doesn't need a moral, ethical, economical, or political qualification; war does. Peace doesn't ravage, plunder, rape, or kill; war does. Peace does not need justification, war does."

~ Anonymous

Saturday, November 17, 2007



Sorry for not posting here in quite some time. I'm working hard on a new look for Names for Peace as well as new text. I received a wonderful email recently from a woman in Australia regarding Names for Peace. She wanted to sign up but felt the site didn't explain well enough what it is exactly that Names for Peace does.

This must be a question others have as well as our sign ups per site hit has dropped to about 5%. I'll reprint here some of what I wrote back to her as this explains the best I can what we are doing and what we are planning to do with Names for Peace.

Right now all we are actually doing is collecting names and planning. The sign ups that we receive come from every corner of the globe and that's encouraging but we need to have closer to 50,000 names for the numbers to mean anything.

The numbers behind the group are the key to being able to do anything meaningful. We have no funding or backing of any type.

What we do right now is build the community by collecting names. That is our first goal. Once a person is signed up they receive a unique ID key via email. This can be used for them to represent themselves as a member rather than having us use their contact information or name as representation on their behalf. This is a very important point for us.

For any event the community will be called upon to represent itself with individuals making their own choice about whether to take action or not. This will allow us to work with a very large group without ever taking action on anyones behalf. We need things to be done with not only each members consent but with their own actual hands-on participation.

Privacy is the key to why this can work across the globe. The list itself will never be used other than to show the number of members. If proof of our numbers is required a request will be sent to members who themselves may decide if they wish to participate and can then represent themselves.

Many interested people are in countries where they might not have the freedom to openly take part in events or be publicly associated with Names for Peace so the list must remain closed. This is why we do not consider this to be a petition, protest or a political action. In addition we strongly believe that peace is non-political and in everyone's best interest. We are trying to show the numbers of people who want peace throughout the world as well as connecting them (we have a hunch that the numbers are vast if we can find them) and to use that as clout to back up work we will do in the name of saving lives.

We want this to become a real community not just an online collection of names. We are planning to sponsor events for members, concerts, socials, think-tank gatherings etc. in different parts of the world where there is enough interest. Possibly linking up simultaneous events via screens or other media. Fund Raising may become a part of what we do but at this point we are only thinking in terms of volunteers, solving problems and creating a real social community of people who believe in peaceful alternatives at any cost.

We will target hot spots around the globe where we see problems brewing that will likely lead to violence. If possible we will gather appropriate experts whose backgrounds relate to the need and have them explore alternate non-violent potential solutions to these issues. We will then present these potential solutions to the parties involved as well as to the media. As we progress we hope to become progressively more involved with various governments and other organizations. The idea being, to be as loud and as visible as possible in the hope of putting pressure on governments not to allow their problems to boil over into violence. We want them to know that the world is not only watching but understands the issues and knows that there are alternatives. We want the value of individual human life to be the paramount concern, for every life to have an equal value.

Thought based on a pre-text of equality among all human beings, which is ( or should be ) a fundamental principle in the decision making of all democratic Governments at least, does not leave room for violence against innocent people in any form. That's the basic belief behind Names for Peace. Non democratic nations also need to realize that there are peaceful alternatives that do not endanger their respective governments.

I hope that makes things a little more clear. It is absolutely a work in progress :)


Friday, November 2, 2007

Paul Tibbets Dies ..after all this time...

Paul Tibbets passed away today. He is probably the greatest example in human history of how each one of us as an individual rules the world and like it or not is responsible in our own private individual choices and actions for what that world is. Paul Tibbets could have turned left and kept going ..he didn't have to do anything at all that day, no human alive was in a position where they could have stopped him from doing whatever he might choose ..he could have done nothing ..he could have flown his plane down into the ocean ..he could have done any number of things other than what he was told to do.

We all know that someone else would have taken his place and come back another day ..but even that would have given 140,000 plus , family members , children , Mums and Dads ..students with dreams, , young people in love for the first time, and so so many others who happened to be in Hiroshima at 8:15AM that morning a few more days for loving and laughing and caring for each other, for breaking the rules, for learning , for talking, for tasting, for breathing in the air and feeling the suns warmth .. for looking into the eyes of someone they love, even a simple futile attempt at goodness could have given so so many people so many uncountable rich gifts but Paul Tibbets, unfortunately was not a brave man or generous man or a kind man, he was a coward and a small small human being.

We all know that life is unfair but that Paul Tibbets lived into his 90s requires a scope of cruelty that the word unfair just doesn't convey. Paul Tibbets wasn't the only war criminal , he wasn't the only soldier fighting , he wasn't alone in his cruelty and inhumanity and small mindedness, there were Japanese soldiers and other American soldiers of equal merrit but Paul Tibbets made his choice as a free human being who was born with the freedom to choose as we all have been. He could have just turned the plane left and flown home instead.

We can hope for Paul Tibbets that there is no God, ..or maybe we can't.

In the name of the memory of Paul Tibbets and in the name of the awareness that many others like him are alive and well today please sign up for peace

Friday, October 26, 2007

New Design on the way

Im working on the new design for names for peace as you read .. it is a bed theme inspired by a re-recording of give peace a chance from the bed in at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel where the original was recorded 35 years ago. They brought together Canadian Artists in the same room to update the song.

It is not just about that event though. It is also a thank you to Yoko Ono for getting back in the game ( I'm not sure that she has ever been gone ) and supporting Amnesty internationals Instant Karma "Instant Karma is Amnesty International's new campaign using the power of John Lennon's music and the voices of millions of concerned people around the world to stop the horrific human rights abuses taking place in Darfur, Sudan.". See that Campaign here Instant karma

Im a bit mad at myself. I saw Sean Lennon in Toronto a while ago in a tiny room with an audience of about 40 people and I regret so much that I didn't mention Names for Peace to him then. I hope he sees this. If you happen to know Sean Lennon ..or if you run into him please mention the site.. .. I would love to have his or his Mother's endorsement. :)

all the best,

Michael Kerr

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Has anyone watched the video

Let me know what you thought of the video.

email me if you like or

All the best,


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving ..the dubious Turkey feast ...

Don't forget to get out and enjoy the falling leaves and crisp cool air.

I hope you are all spending today with family or friends enjoying the trimmings and the long weekend.

Be safe , all the best


Friday, October 5, 2007


I realized a long time ago that this wasn't going to work until we connected with more people and possibly with other like organizations.

There is so much potential that it is hard to know where to start. On the other hand there is so little time it's hard to know when it might really start.

We had our first outside connection today though at Concordia University. It's very encouraging to be able to tell you that Nancy Davenport has agreed to let us use a piece she did for the Guggenheim museum in New York on the Names for Peace website.

Nancy Davenport is a photographer/artist who lives and works in New York city, she has taught at Yale University and has instructed at the New York school of Visual Arts as well as MIT. She has an interest in the new face of activism and it's lack of visibility. We are very proud to be able to present her work on our site. That will be arriving as soon as I have time to convert the data format of her work and spice up the Names for Peace main page.

We hope that this is just the beginning of many collaborations and interesting presentations that we will be able to bring to you over time as we grow and become effective.


Thursday, October 4, 2007


Names for Peace seems to have stalled in name collection. Perhaps it's the wording on the main page. Part of it is that we have been far too busy to do anything with it but this is changing. I find it hard to imagine that people don't desire peace.

For a while I was taking time to post the site where ever I could but have since been distracted by life in general. This is one of the problems that we all have. We don't have time to do ANYTHING outside of living our own busy lives.

We had a meeting recently and reshaped the guidelines and goals for Names for Peace. Those goals and guidelines will be posted here as soon as time permits. I'll send out an email to everyone once that it is out.

For now all the best and remember that peace begins at home ;-)


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

start again
