Thursday, November 22, 2007

Peace needs no Justification

Here is a quote that Jennifer Boivin posted on the Facebook Names for Peace Group.

I really enjoyed seeing this. I wish we could find out who said it.

"I'm ineffably tired of pro-war ideologues moaning about how the anti-war folk are just 'complaining' without 'offering solutions' to global dilemmas. Peace doesn't need a moral, ethical, economical, or political qualification; war does. Peace doesn't ravage, plunder, rape, or kill; war does. Peace does not need justification, war does."

~ Anonymous


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

I've looked through a few databases but the only notation given to that particular quote is


and I have no idea what that means..A

Michael said...

Thats odd .. it must have been said during a radio show. I couldn't find anything either.

It seems so clear to me. I don't why so many people think war is acceptable. I think it takes courage to take a stand for peace but that isn't obvious to everyone. I love what she/he said whoever they are.